Behringer Wing & Dante: Mastering 64-Channel Recording in Adobe Audition

Multitrack Recording Mastery: Behringer Wing with Dante and Adobe Audition


Multitrack recording has become an essential part of modern audio production. This article delves into the process of setting up a multitrack recording using the Behringer Wing mixer, Dante audio networking, and Adobe Audition, providing a comprehensive guide for audio professionals and enthusiasts.

Setting Up Dante on the Behringer Wing

The Behringer Wing mixer offers the flexibility to replace its standard SD card recorder with a Dante card, enabling 64 channels of input and output via Dante. This setup expands the mixer’s capabilities, allowing for a broader range of audio routing and recording options.

Connecting to a Computer with Adobe Audition

Using a computer connected to the Dante network and equipped with Adobe Audition, users can access and record up to 64 channels from the Behringer Wing. This setup is ideal for capturing each track individually for detailed post-production work.

Configuring Dante Routing

The routing process starts on the Wing mixer, where users assign desired channels to the Dante outputs. This step is crucial to ensure that the correct audio signals are sent to Adobe Audition for recording.

Using Dante Controller and Virtual Sound Card

For those new to Dante, two essential components are required: the Dante Controller, which manages the patching of audio routes within the Dante network, and the Dante Virtual Sound Card, which enables the computer to function as a part of the Dante network. These tools are vital for the seamless integration of the Wing mixer and Adobe Audition.

Setting Up Adobe Audition for Multitrack Recording

In Adobe Audition, users must configure the audio hardware settings to recognize the Dante Virtual Sound Card as the input and output source. Creating a new multitrack session in Audition allows the addition and configuration of as many tracks as needed, matching the number of Dante channels being recorded.

Recording and Playback

Each track in Adobe Audition needs to be individually patched to a corresponding Dante channel. Recording is initiated by arming each track and then pressing the record button in Audition. This setup not only facilitates recording but also allows for playback directly into the Behringer Wing for mix adjustments or live performances.


This guide provides a detailed walkthrough for setting up a multitrack recording session using the Behringer Wing with Dante and Adobe Audition. It offers a sophisticated yet user-friendly approach to capturing live performances, studio sessions, and more, with the flexibility and quality demanded by modern audio production.

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